I have been reading as well of course, any free time usually finds me with my nose in a book and really you can't scrapbook in bed, can you?
I'm fairly sure that the Senior Partner would object to paper & glue in the bedroom!
So, here's a quick rundown of some of the books that have been on the bedside table during the last few weeks.

I enjoyed "Hot to Trot" by Lou Wakefield, a sweet little read to pass a sunny afternoon at the beach or in the garden.

I don't know what you think about Jodi Picoult? Some people love her and enjoy all her books. I've enjoyed some but not all, however "Picture Perfect" was a very good read, and I would recommend that you give it a try.
Now for the two I couldn't finish, although in the case of "off season" by Anne Rivers Siddons it wasn't through lack of trying!
Pat Conroy an author that I do enjoy is quoted on the cover as saying " beautifully crafted and dazzling...All her books are terrific. but this the best one yet"
ARS is well known as a Southern writer and I've always enjoyed the books set in the Carolina Low country as that is an area of the South that I love and with Conroy's endorsement (another Southern writer) I felt sure I would enjoy this book too. I won't spoil for you by saying anything more than this book is not set in the South.

I bought "The Ice Princess" by Camilla Lackberg (winner of Best International Crime Novel of the Year) at a vide grenier in Le Molay Littry about a month ago.
Finding paperback books in English at a vide grenier is as rare as hen's teeth!I found the language of the book to be stilted and awkward., possibly because it had been translated from Swedish. All I know is that I didn't care enough to find out how or why the victim Alex ended her life with slashed wrists, frozen in an ice-cold bath!
I have just listed all four books onto my inventory page at bookmooch.
Click on the sidebar link to discover bookmooch for yourself and mooch any of my books for free.
Of course you'll find millions of free books from all around the world to mooch there too.
All images in the post from amazon.co.uk.